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The Agreement (Copyright) of Xyllomer


The code of Xyllomer is owned by Xyllomer e.V. This document is the legally binding agreement everybody who codes for Xyllomer has to accept. The purpose of this agreement is to prevent Xyllomer from destructive lawsuits and vicious behaviour.

This is a www copy of the legally binding AGREEMENT

  • Xyllomer is is the name of the LPMud-World run by Xyllomer e.V., currently at Uni-Paderborn, located in Paderborn, Germany. The code, making up the world, is termed Xyllomer and the society 'Verein zur Foerderung der Bildung und Internationaler Kontakte im Internet' - The society is termed Xyllomer e.V. in the following text.
  • All code produced/modified in Xyllomer or imported to Xyllomer is subject of this agreement. If you have code, that you can't or don't want to make subject of it, don't import it.
  • By uploading or editing code, existing on the system, the author agrees, that Xyllomer e.V. gains the exclusive license for it (Paragraph 31 I, III UrhG), while the copyright for the code still stays with the author.

    This means, only Xyllomer e.V. has the right to use and handle the code in the way described below. Even the author needs the permission of Xyllomer e.V., if he/she wants to use his/her code, which is subject of this agreement, in another way than agreed upon.


This exclusive license means:
  • Xyllomer e.V. has the exclusive right to grant normal licenses to other people (e.g. the Wizards here)
  • Xyllomer e.V. and people, who have been permitted by Xyllomer e.V., have the exclusive right to use, modify, copy and delete code, Paragraph 39 I UrhG does not take effect, due to this agreement.

The rights of authorized people include:
  • All code in Xyllomer may be freely copied for purposes of working at it for the benefit of Xyllomer. It may not be copied for making monetary profit or using it outside Xyllomer, without written permission of Xyllomer e.V.
  • Code may only be changed by people, authorised by Xyllomer e.V. (e.g. Wizards). Authorized people may change code, to which they have been granted access to, but they may not destroy or delete it to cause intentional damage.
  • All code, that is exported outside Xyllomer, has to contain this agree- ment or a reference to it.

German law (UrhG) applies to this agreement, Paragraph 120 I, 121 I UrhG.

This text can be reviewed with help agreement in the game.


 System information
 Wizards agreement
