Character development
Although this section is not in the OOC section of the web site, the content
is related strongly to how you, the player, control the development of your
character. The importance of consistant roleplay has already been discussed,
this page is designed to inform you how to support your roleplay using the structure
of the game.
Stats or statistics are a concept all previous roleplayers will be familiar
with. The character's physical body is represented by the description you choose
to give it and the game-code attributes: strength, dexterity and constitution.
You should not describe your newly-made character as 'bursting with muscle'
or 'poised like a dancer'. Your newly-made character, as I have already stated,
would have a hard fight in single combat with a rabbit and probably wears boots
because they cannot manage shoelaces.
The mental attributes of the character are named: intelligence, wisdom and
discipline. People have different ways of viewing these, what follows is my
own interpretation of the stats.
If you type vitals in the game, you will be shown your character's current
state of being. Whether they are hungry or thirsty is shown at the top, along
with whether they are tired. Underneath is shown an assessment, in words, of
each stat. This is NOT given numerically in any place. It is Xyllomer's policy
NOT to represent your character to you in terms of numbers, this is also true
of skills and your character's appraisal of weapon damage and armour protection.
And abreviation of the above information and how loaded down with equpiment
you are can be got by typing: vhp. This leaves out the information on your character's
statistics. The hp command gives only your physical and mental health and physical
energy level.
If you type stats then you will see each attribute listed, along with the proportion
of experience earned that will go into building it. Different races have maximum
and minimum settings for some of these, but all start with them set roughly
similar. There are places in the game-world where you can meditate and set these
Also shown here is the deity that the character has most faith in, (faith is
measured in sermons attended and donations given). For various reasons this
may not be the deity that the character actually holds highest in regard.
Alignment is a subject of contention in the game. Currently it is measured from
'holy' to 'damned', passing through neutral on the way. It is affected by a
few actions on the game, but mainly by killing .. bad stuff or good stuff. Some
players choose to ignore their character's alignment in favour of consistant
roleplaying, others try and keep their alignment as close as possible to that
of their deity.
Content by Verdigris