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Charachter creation

Before you log onto Xyllomer, you should take care to read through the various sections, the gameplay section is especially useful if you are new to mudding and Xyllomer.


Xyllomer can be reached with telnet at the address xyllomer.uni-paderborn.de 3000. For convenience Xyllomer is now also reachable via the domain of MUDs in Germany at the address xyllomer.mud.de 3000. It happens from time to time that people forget the port number (3000). Please check it before contacting admin, asking for help.

Altough using the links above is possible, most people prefer using a client instead of a blank telnet. And very often people ask, which client they can use and where it can be found. A long list of mudclients can be found at the mudconnectors website. A popular client for linux/unix is tinyfugue, for windows zmud or gmud are widely used.

Creating an account

Before you are able to log a character on to play the game, you will have to create an account. This is a lot simpler than it sounds.

Example of how it will look when you log on for the first time:

Enter your charactername to gain access, or "@name" to access the OOC-Area.
To create a new character enter a valid email-address and follow the 

What is your name: your@email.here
The emailaddress 'your@email.here' is not yet existing as player account.
Are you sure this is correct ? y
Creating new accout.....
A mail containing your password has been prepared and will be sent to your
email address (might take about 1/2h ). See you then!
> %%% Disconnected from server.

After that a mail should arrive shortly with instructions how to proceed. Logging on again a while later we continue with our charachter generation, again we get the same question but this time you will get asked for your password.

Enter your charactername to gain access, or "@name" to access the OOC-Area.
To create a new character enter a valid email-address and follow the 

What is your name: your@email.here
Please enter your password: yourpasswordhere
Xyllomer - Player Account Manager V0.1.

 [P] Change password
 [E] Change your Email (disabled)
 [C] Create a new character
 [L] List your registered charaters and their state
 [R] Register an existing character
 [D] Read the Documentation/Help files
 [Q] Quit

Your choice: C

Charachter Creation

From here you will proceed with your charachter generation, starting with choosing a name for your charachter. You will then be asked to choose race and some distinctive physical characteristics of your character. After this you will have the option to enter a description of your character, (this should be no more than 375 characters or five 75 character lines in length to avoid spamming the screen of those who look at your character). You then have the option to enter a history for your character. If you want to enter a detailed history, make sure it fits with the history of the world. An inappropriate or offensive name, physical characteristic(s) or description might be reason to reject a character.

Reading the Getting started page here (as well as other documents) will give you a little more information about it and hopefully help you with your choices.

If you have any problems concerning Xyllomer or connecting to it, mail to the Administration. If there are any problems, ideas, wishes with/for these pages mail the webmaster.


 Charachter creation
 Getting started
